Need for Student Loan Reform Now 2021 update: Student loan reform may be coming with the Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy […]
Need for Student Loan Reform Now 2021 update: Student loan reform may be coming with the Fresh Start Through Bankruptcy […]
Credit After Bankruptcy Study Study: It’s possible that bankruptcy can actually help your credit score LendingTree says with a credit […]
Like most debts types, back taxes can turn into major problems. Can IRS tax debt be discharged in bankruptcy? Not usually. But in rare situations.
Bankruptcy and liens cause confusion and frustration. Why do liens survive bankruptcy sometimes. What about judgment liens. An attorney explains.
There’s confusion about if you can keep your cars in a bankruptcy, or if filing can help catch up on late payments. Like most things in law, it depends.
Frequently Asked Bankruptcy Questions The Decisive 7 / 13 Bankruptcy FAQ We need a bankruptcy FAQ. Why? Because nothing is […]
When considering if you should avoid bankruptcy, there are some bankruptcy alternatives. Some involve using assets, others income.
Bankruptcy Petition Preparer Three Reasons the Best BPP is a Lawyer A bankruptcy petition preparer (or BPP) is someone who […]
People ask me “will I be able to rebuild and get credit after bankruptcy?” And the short and maybe surprising answer is, Yes!
What’s In Your Wallet: Track Spending Know What You Spend As a bankruptcy attorney that specializes in consumer debt, I […]
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